On 1 January 2024, MaPrimeAdapt' will become the new single aid to finance housing adaptation work. Under the conditions of allocation, this aid aims to prevent the risk of falls and to promote home care for...
Discover our bathtub replacement solution: Fitéo Flex! Installation and installation are easy, while predefined configurations simplify selection and operation.
Regardless of the home, the bathroom is often the room where the risk of falls is greatest. In order to prolong the autonomy of seniors, the adaptation of their living spaces is fundamental so that they can...
Pellet ASC offers a rich collection of sanitary accessories to equip bathrooms and toilets in private homes and establishments open to the public (ERP).
The aim of this day is to inform and raise awareness among the general public, as well as to change the way people look at the daily difficulties that people with disabilities go through.